4 Ingredients Easy Wagyu Beef Steak Strips on the Grill


Few meats can compare to Wagyu beef steak strips when it comes to culinary indulgence. Wagyu beef comes from Japan and is known worldwide for its exceptional quality and sumptuous marbling. We explore the art of creating the perfect steak strips with Wagyu beef in this article.

The secrets behind crafting an epicurean adventure will be revealed as we uncover the essence of Wagyu beef, select the best cuts, and master the cooking techniques.

Come explore the culinary magic of Wagyu beef steak strips with us.

What is Wagyu Beef?

It is renowned for its superior quality and originates from Japan. “Wagyu” means “Japanese cow,” and the meat of these cattle is famous for its unmatched taste and tenderness due to its unmatched marbling.

Choosing the Right Cut

The right cut of Wagyu beef steak is crucial when creating Wagyu beef steak strips. The most popular cuts for steak strips are ribeye, sirloin, and striploin. Consider your preferences and recipe requirements when choosing a cut.

wagyu beef steak strips.

Why you’ll love these Wagyu Beef Steak Strips

Unparalleled Flavor:

The incredible marbling of Wagyu beef results in an irresistible texture and a rich, buttery taste.


Each bite of these steak strips is a delight because they are so tender. Wagyu beef is known for its high-fat content, which makes it juicy and succulent.


It’s a simple recipe. You can savor the pure, natural flavors of Wagyu beef itself with minimal seasoning, allowing you to fully enjoy its exquisite flavor.

Quick and Easy:

Wagyu beef strips are easy to cook. You can prepare a gourmet meal in just a few minutes.


Steak strips made from Wagyu beef are versatile. Serve them as the star of the show or add them to stir-fries, tacos, and salads.

Restaurant-Quality at Home:

You can now enjoy restaurant-quality Wagyu beef in the comfort of your own home, and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills.

wagyu beef steak srtips

How to Prepare Wagyu Beef Steak Strip


  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, kosher salt and black pepper in a mixing bowl.

  • In a shallow dish, place the beef strips and marinade. And marinate the strips thoroughly.

  • Rest the beef strips for 15-20 minutes at room temperature.


  • Preheat your grill to medium-high heat for 15 minutes.

  • Clean and lightly oil the grill grates to prevent sticking.

  • Cook the wagyu steak strips on a preheated grill. Cook them for 2-3 minutes each side.

  • Medium-rare should be cooked to 130°F (55°C). Keep the steak strips tender and juicy by not overcooking them.

wagyu beef steak strips,

Rest and Serve

  • After the steak strips are cooked, let them rest for 5 minutes.

  • By doing so, the juices are evenly distributed throughout the meat, making it more tender and flavorful.

  • Enjoy! Wagyu Beef Steak Strips with stir-fried vegetables (bell pepper, asparagus, broccoli, zucchini, onion).

Cooking Tips

Here are some cooking tips to ensure your Wagyu Beef Steak Strips turn out perfectly:

Choose High-Quality Wagyu:

Start with Wagyu beef of the highest quality. To ensure the best flavor and tenderness, choose well-marbled cuts from reputable sources.

Thaw Gradually:

Slowly thaw frozen Wagyu beef in the refrigerator. Microwaves can unevenly thaw meat and affect its texture.

Bring to Room Temperature:

Allow the Wagyu beef to sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking. Cooking will be more even this way.

Minimal Seasoning:

Seasoning should be kept simple. Wagyu beef’s natural flavor can often be enhanced with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Don’t overpower the meat with herbs or spices.

Hot Cooking Surface:

Sear the beef quickly in a hot skillet or grill. The high heat will create a beautiful crust while keeping the interior juicy.

Don’t Overcook:

The best way to enjoy Wagyu beef is medium-rare to medium. Make sure the meat is done by using a meat thermometer. Dryness and flavor loss can result from overcooking.

Resting Period:

Let the cooked steak strips rest for a few minutes before slicing. As a result, the juices are redistributed, keeping the meat moist and flavorful.

Thin Slices:

Slice the steak into thin, even strips. Each piece will be tender and easy to eat as a result.

Is It Better To Grill or pan-sear Wagyu Steak strips?

You can grill or pan-sear Wagyu steak strips according to your personal preference and the equipment you have at your disposal. Cooking with either method can produce delicious results, but they offer slightly different experiences.

Grilling Wagyu Steak Strips

If you want to infuse a smoky flavor into Wagyu steak strips while achieving beautiful grill marks, grilling is a great option. Here are some reasons why grilling might be your choice:

Smoky Flavor: The smoky flavor imparted by grilling enhances the taste of Wagyu beef.

Even Cooking: The grill allows for even cooking and excellent caramelization.

Visual Appeal: A dish can be visually enticing if it has grill marks.

Outdoor Experience: During cookouts, grilling is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and the company of family and friends.

Pan Searing Wagyu Steak Strips

Wagyu steak strips can be equally delicious when pan-seared indoors. You might prefer pan searing for the following reasons:

Control: With pan searing, you have more control over the cooking process.

Quick and Convenient: Whenever you don’t have access to a grill, this method is ideal for preparing Wagyu steak strips.

Less Smoke: Grilling produces more smoke than pan searing, so if you’re cooking indoors, pan searing may be a better option.

Easy Cleanup: When you pan-sear, you don’t have to deal with grill grates or outdoor equipment during cleanup.


Wagyu beef steak strips require attention to detail and a passion for exceptional flavors. You can taste the unmatched deliciousness of Wagyu beef at home by selecting the right cut, preparing the meat correctly, and mastering the cooking technique.

Wagyu Beef Steak

4 Ingredients Easy Wagyu Beef Steak Strips on the Grill

Wagyu beef steak strips cooked on the grill make a delicious treat for meat lovers. Wagyu beef is extremely tender and marbling, making it the perfect choice for grilling. You can create mouthwatering wagyu beef steak strips using just four simple ingredients and the right cooking temperature. For steak strips, choose wagyu beef cuts such as ribeye. This cut is renowned for its flavor and tenderness.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine Japanese
Servings 4


  • 1 pound wagyu beef steak strips ( 2cm thick)
  • kosher salt to taste
  • 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice


  • Add olive oil, lemon juice, kosher salt and black pepper in a mixing bowl.
  • In a shallow dish, place the beef strips and marinade. And marinate the strips thoroughly.
  • Rest the beef strips for 15-20 minutes at room temperature.
  • Preheat your grill to medium-high heat for 15 minutes.
  • Clean and lightly oil the grill grates to prevent sticking.
  • Cook the wagyu steak strips on the preheated grill. Cook them for 2-3 minutes each side.
  • Medium-rare should be cooked to 130°F (55°C). Keep the steak strips tender and juicy by not overcooking them.
  • After the steak strips are cooked, let them rest for 5 minutes.
  • By doing so, the juices are evenly distributed throughout the meat, making it more tender and flavorful.
  • Enjoy! Wagyu Beef Steak Strips with stir-fried vegetables (bell pepper, asparagus, broccoli, zucchini, onion).
Keyword cooking steak, cooking temperature steak, steak cooked, wagyu beef, wagyu beef steak, wagyu beef steak strip, wagyu beef what is


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